Poster Dimensions

Each poster will count with TWO vertical panels of ~1 meter width and up to 2 meters height. Between these panels is a vertical mounting post, which will bulge a 2 meter wide poster made in one piece in its middle part. We suggest therefore to use ONE OR TWO vertical sections, ~90 cm wide and ~120 cm high.

A poster printing service will be provided by the local organizing committee: one 90x120 cm2 sheet (vertical arrangement) printed in high resolution on quality paper will cost 400 Pesos (~US$30) if sent by email before August 23. Please send the poster in a PDF format to this email, and if needed indicate any special requirements:


If you need to print a poster later on-site, you will have to hand over your PDF file the day before, no later than 15:30, so it can be delivered the same evening or the next day at 10:00 latest. This service will have a cost of 450 Pesos (~US$ 35).

Note: the space for each poster presentation consists of TWO vertical panels with ~100 cm width and more than 200 cm height, so you can print your poster in two sheets of 90x120 cm2.